Roar Academy Asia is a school of reformation by Tony Kim, featuring a unique blend of experience-rich teaching, targeted tracks for your sphere of influence, and practical tools and activation to launch you into the next level of becoming a modern-day reformer!
Meet Our Team
Tony Kim, Founder
Tony Kim and his wife, Jessica Kim served ministries, organizations and government sectors mobilizing, training and addressing the hardest to serve populations and social justice causes and issues for over a decade before moving into full time ministry. Tony & Jessica founded Renaissance International in 2009 with an apostolic call to train, equip, mobilize and release the church to reach the lost and fulfill their destiny to transform every aspect of society through the power of the Holy Spirit. They believe we are the generation to usher in the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Tony is also the national director of Harvest International Ministries (HIM) and leads a global relational revival and reformation movement called “ROAR Collective.” They have three children and currently reside in Bakersfield, California.